Our Mission

Our Mission Statement: In a changing world, the Presbytery of Cincinnati is called to proclaim and live out the Good News of Jesus Christ by welcoming diversity, forming partnerships, building unity, and connecting with our communities.

Our Shared Practical Vision

-- adopted January 2005--
In five years, we would like the Presbytery of Cincinnati to be a vibrant community made up of growing, vital congregations and passionate people working together. There will be a culture of respect that is lived out among all entities and people. The presbytery will be an effective, responsive organization, known for promoting "koinonia" among pastors and church professionals and for equipping all leaders for transforming ministry.
This statement is not exhaustive. It is meant to summarize the highlights of what we would like to become a reality as we are "living the vision" for this part of the Body of Christ -- the Presbytery of Cincinnati.